Throughout the Dota 2 landscape, there have been certain heroes that outperform others by quite a wide margin. This is due to the rapidly changing meta that keeps the game fresh. One of those heroes recently brought back to the spotlight is Ursa.
Ulfsaar, the Ursa Warrior is an Agility hero, most commonly played in the carry position. The hero has been a popular pick since he was first introduced in Dota 2, and after Patch 7.31, his popularity has only been increasing. This is partly due to his burst-damage type playstyle, where his abilities allow him to catch up to heroes and slow them down while stacking consecutively more damage per hit, resulting in a speedy death for his unfortunate victims.
Ursa’s skillset also makes him a fast Roshan killer, which has only become more of an important objective since Aghanim’s Shards were introduced to the game. What makes this hero so powerful in the right hands is his skillset as well as an appropriate build that synergizes with it.(Visit Store:
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Ursa has access to four skills, including three actives and one passive skill. These are what the skills can do:
- Earthshock (Default hotkey: Q) – This skill lets Ursa leap a few units of distance ahead, dealing damage and slowing all enemy units caught in its AoE. The damage might not be the greatest, but its greatest asset is the AoE slow, which is a whopping 40 percent, lasting for four seconds. This ability is great for gap closing and chasing, as well as scaling impassable terrain if timed right.
- Overpower (Default hotkey: W) – This skill is one-half of Ursa’s burst damage potential. Upon activation, Overpower buffs Ursa with a consistent +400 attack speed for the next six attacks. This skill, in conjunction with his passive ability, is what shreds low HP and low armor targets with ease. As long as Ursa can consistently stay on his opponents, there is little that can be done to stop him.
- Fury Swipes (Passive) – This skill is the other half of Ursa’s burst damage potential. Fury Swipes is a passive that activates when Ursa hits a non-building target, with each hit stacking additional damage upon the target. With every consecutive hit, Ursa builds up more damage on the target, further amplified by his Overpower, which allows him to get a quick burst of six attacks, each dealing more damage than the last.
- Enrage (Default hotkey: R) – This is Ursa’s ultimate skill. Enrage allows Ursa to shrug off most damage when activated, providing him with an unprecedented 80 percent damage reduction from all sources of damage while Enrage is active. Additionally, Ursa gains 50 percent status resistance, making any form of disable or DoT skill used on him last for 50 percent less duration. Enrage lasts for a total of four seconds, dispelling any existing debuffs on Ursa, making it usable in clutch situations to get out and fight back.
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Following this, players generally favor maxing out Overpower next, providing them with even more burst damage and Roshan killing potential before the mid-game spike occurs. Earthshock is maxed out last due to the lackluster damage scaling and a 25 percent slow is generally enough to kill targets with low movement speed in the first 20 to 25 minutes of the game. Enrage is skilled up whenever possible, at levels six, 12, and 18.
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- Level 10: +1.75 Mana Regen or +20s Fury Swipes Reset Time
- Level 15: +350 Health or +10 Agility
- Level 20: +12 Fury Swipes Damage or +15 percent Enrage Status Resistance
- Level 25: +three Overpower Attacks or -three seconds Earthshock Cooldown
Breaking it down, the level 10 talent choice has shown better success rates for the +20s Fury Swipes Reset Time because it helps Ursa keep his damage stacks on enemies for longer, while the mana regen can simply be provided by items.
The level 15 talent choice is a matter of preference. If Ursa dies to spells too quickly, health would be advisable. If Ursa has to deal with a lot of physical damage, agility would be the better choice because it increases armor. Since Ursa is also an agility hero, this talent provides him with damage as well as armor.
Item builds
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Starting items
- Quelling Blade: This is almost a must-have for any carry. It enables easier last-hitting of creeps along with the highly underrated Tree Chop ability that opens up more possibilities of ambushes along with escape routes by clearing trees.
- Ironwood Branch: A few of these go a long way. They provide one of each stat and can either be combined into a Magic Wand or just consumed with Tangoes for extra regen during the laning phase.
- Slippers of Agility: This provides good starting agility for damage and armor. They can be made into Wraith Bands for even more stats. As of Patch 7.31, these stats double after the 25th minute.
- Consumables (Tangoes/Healing Salves): These are absolutely essential for sustaining against the enemies’ constant harassment, but aren’t as necessary if Ursa is paired with a healer-type support hero.
Early-game items
- Boots of Speed: This is the most essential item for any hero. It provides a flat increase in movement speed, essential for catching fleeing enemies or evading pursuers.
- Magic Wand: This is a natural upgrade to the Ironwood Branches in combination with a Magic Stick. It provides stats as well as a source of HP and mana regen, with more resources replenished the more charges it has, up to a maximum of 20 charges. One charge is obtained whenever an enemy casts a spell nearby.
- Wraith Band: A couple of these ensure a good early game. They provide great stats like HP, armor, mana, and damage.
- Orb of Venom: An item that applies a slow debuff on any enemy that Ursa hits. It’s perfect for chasing an enemy down in conjunction with Earthshock.
- Morbid Mask: An item that provides lifesteal equivalent to a certain percentage of Ursa’s damage per hit, restoring his HP.
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